Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I found this picture online today. I am stunned that a group of people who dress up like like in their secret temples are not thrown into the looney bin. Wow.


larimie said...

Girl... Look at those outfits... If anyone needs a little gay in their life, it's them! LOL

Antinous Mondragone said...

I know, right?! I am still laughing about this. At first I thought it was a joke, but then confirmed with a friend who used to be Mormon. I say that the gay community should wear leafy green aprons at every protest! The Mormons would just die.

J.R.P said...

Interesting; maybe we can take some wonderful unnatural pictures of two people of the same sex trying to have productive and progressive reproduction session, and then post them on my blog - would that not be funny? ... Na, I am sophisticated and rational to do such a thing that would elicit a blatant contradiction - like trying to put a square peg in a round hole; it just won't work.

Antinous Mondragone said...

Uh, j.r.p. That's called gay porn. There are already plenty of websites out there already where you can watch "two people of the same sex trying to have productive and progressive reproduction session." I can make some recommendations if you like.

You have to admit, those outfits are pretty ridiculous and we are to believe that "God" creator of all things above and below would want his followers to play dress up in order to properly worship him? If that's the case you'd think that He would at least be able to think up some better outfits.

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