Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I found this picture online today. I am stunned that a group of people who dress up like like in their secret temples are not thrown into the looney bin. Wow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mormon beliefs that should be open for public vote.

Here is a brief list of Mormon beliefs that should be put on the ballot for the public to vote on.

1. Baptism for the dead. This is a ceremony that takes place in Mormon temples where they baptize your dead relatives vicariously regardless of the religion they practiced while alive.
2. Secret underwear. I think that everyone should be able to purchase Mormon secret underwear.
3. Let us in your temples.

If anyone has any others please leave in the comments!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The best one yet.

Today someone blogged that the main reason we can't allow gay marriage is because it will result in the extinction of humankind. Because if gay marriage is legal, everyone will be gay! And if everyone is gay then no more babies.

So there you have it ladies and gentleman. Gay marriage will effectively end the world. Wow.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bestiality is your best argument?

In the beginning marriage was strictly a religious institution. Throughout the years legal rights were tied together with this religious ceremony. Therein lies the problem. As a nation, we tried the whole separate but equal thing and it didn't work out. Ask any black person who had the misfortune of living through segregation.

This may not be about your rights. But it sure as shit is about mine.

The most common argument I have been hearing is, "If we let gays marry, next thing you know people will marry horses and chickens." More recently someone substituted various farm animals with lampposts. Let's for one second say this argument makes any sense at all and we allow people to marry lamp posts, goats, horses or canaries. How does this affect your marriage? How? It absolutely, in no way changes the relationship you have with your spouse. You imbue the word marriage with certain feelings, thoughts, beliefs and emotions. That is your right. Define your marriage however you please. But don't you dare define what my marriage should look like.

The whole idea of removing a right legally given to a minority group should send chills down your spine. This precedent the Mormon church has set terrifies me, as it should you. What is to stop someone from putting an item on the ballot banning Mormonism from certain states? A simple majority could banish an entire religion.

This entire movement was motivated by hate and fear and accomplished through lies. I read a press release from the Mormons on their website defending their position on traditional marriage. The entire statement was riddled with "possibly" "almost certainly will result in..." "could be construed" "groups are suggesting." It was one of the most cleverly worded, velvet tongued PR pieces I have ever laid eyes on. And I work in marketing and PR! All of it was designed to scare you into what might happen. Not what will happen. And guess what? It worked. Fear of things that may happen, in some twilight zone imagined by your first presidency, motived many undecided people to vote against marriage equality.

Dress it up however you like, but hate is hate. To coin a phrase used not too long ago by President Elect Obama: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Another great link.

Thanks to the folks at www.nflivingston.com for sharing the following link. For those who still don't believe that the Mormon church had anything to do with prop 8 passing read here.

Broadcast in California that Mormons were asked to watch. This is the full transcript.

Below is the link to the broadcast given by the leadership of the Mormon church in relation to Prop 8. How this does not cross the line into lobbyism I have no idea.

Click here.

Still waiting.

I have yet to hear one semi-logical reason why gay marriage will be the downfall of straight marriage. On Larry King Live last night a pastor from a hate filled Christian church said he could tell us, but didn't have enough time. This is so typical of people without an answer to a simple question.

I submit that the only real reason that the religions are so opposed to gay marriage is hate.

In summation, here are the main reasons we have been given for why gay marriage is bad.

1. We would be forced to teach our children about gay marriage. Newsflash! Unless you live in a cave or on a polygamist compound, chances are your children are aware that gay people exist. To think that we should teach acceptance of different lifestyles in our schools! Oh, the horror!

2. That churches would somehow lose their tax exempt status. This could actually be true. Because of many religions lobbying efforts to ban gay marriage they may very well lose their tax exempt status. And they should! Let me ask you something. The fact that your church enjoys tax exempt status effects you how? Oh, it doesn't? Bingo. It only effects the church, not the parishioners. It's all about money in the end.

3. That single mothers choosing to give their baby up for adoption would be forced to give it to a gay couple. First off, this is an outright lie. Secondly, if they can provide a better life for the child, why deny them that chance? I have a friend (a mormon friend) who grew up in a very dysfunctional home. Drugs, abuse, mental illness etc... He stopped me the other day and said, "I just want you to know that I would have given anything to be raised by a gay couple in a loving, functioning home instead of being raised by my parents."

4. Churches would be forced to allow gay couples to get married in their facilities. This is simply not true, and I cannot think of any reason a gay couple would want to be married in a church that desires to strip away their rights. I polled a group of gay men and when asked, "Would you want to get married in a Mormon Church?" The answers were as follows: 45% said "No" 40% said "Fuck no" and 5% said "Only if I can marry 3 men."

Can anyone give me one example of how gay marriage will effect straight marriage?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sanctity Schmanctity

For all the Mormons out there, congratulations.  You have managed to undo something that was done in 1948.  What happened in 1948?  A law was passed allowing blacks and whites to marry.  Since then, this is the first time in California that a group has been denied a basic right because of hate and fear.  The great irony of this situation is that the Mormons fled to Utah to escape persecution because of their belief on marriage.  Decades and millions of dollars later, they turn into what they were running from.

The main arguments against gay marriage are twofold.  First, that if gay marriage were legal that the state would force the Mormon church to hold weddings of gay couples in their temples.  I can't think of one gay mormon who wants anything to do with your great and spacious buildings.  Also, if this argument were true then anyone from any religion should be able to get married in your buildings.  Does this happen?  Nope.  Idiots.

The second argument was regarding the sanctity of marriage.  Another poor argument.  How does a gay couple getting married affect your marriage?  The only way it would is if your husband were gay.  Trust me, I have been with my fair share of married Mormon men.  Sneaking around behind their wives backs, living a lie sanctioned by a church run by hate, fear and manipulation.  If you are really concerned about the sanctity of marriage how about we make divorce and adultery illegal.  And punishable by death!  That actually is in the scriptures.  Let's bring back stoning.  

The founding members of Mormonism, the original followers of Joseph Smith, were in many instances gay.  His original congregations were made up of the fringe members of society.  Gays.  Blacks.  Wickans.  Joseph Smith even spoke at a gay mans funeral talking about their love.  Bet they don't teach you that in Sunday School.  

Anyhow, I hope that the gay marriage debate crushes your church.  All this has done is show the world truly what you are made of.  Congrats.

You may also be interested that the words homosexual and gay appear nowhere in scripture you hateful fucks.  
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