Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another great link.

Thanks to the folks at for sharing the following link. For those who still don't believe that the Mormon church had anything to do with prop 8 passing read here.


Mrs. Jaybird said...

Thanks for your comment, but . . .

It's my personal choice. I'm not being forced by anyone. And I'm sorry you have to attack peoples' decisions to--what?--build yourself up? I hope you can learn to be happy in some way.

Steph and Brady said...

I saw you comment on my blog. Thank you for your insight on your side of the issue. Obviously you feel hatred towards Christians. So, I don't feel that trying to explain my beliefs and standing up for my beliefs will change your mind. Each person is allowed to have a side on the issue. We just have different ones. I didn't even get to vote on the issue. I just think that it is interesting that the LDS church is being targeted so much in this when there are many other religions that also contributed. Also, I would like to see the source on the talks that you have referenced on your blog. Again, thanks for your side on the issue.

Nigel Flannery Livingston said...

I really liked the Keith Olbermann video. I posted it on my blog along with some thoughts. I welcome your comments.

My entire family is Mormon. We go back to the beginning. My personal views run pretty perpendicular to theirs.

And as such, we don't really discuss religion at all.

It's a pity, really.

Antinous Mondragone said...

To Jay & Natalie. I don't hate you. I just think you're stupider than shit. I love that you think because I'm calling you out on your bigoted, hateful beliefs that I'm not happy. I have an amazing life.

Steph & Brady. While I think that believing in Jesus is much like believing in Santa Clause, I don't hate Christians any more than I hate children who still believe in Santa. The LDS Church is being targeted because $4 out of $5 that went to support prop 8 came from a Mormon. The links are on my blog showing the involvement of the LDS church.

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